During the 1920s, when co-operative movements were only limited to cities, people from remote areas and villages had to face issues and pay huge interests from money lenders. To save the local people of Tarapur from this issue and establish a healthy environment, few enthusiastic and daring individuals registered our bank on 16 June 1930, with the name of The Tarapur Co-Op. Urban Society. Due to the lack of awareness about banking and co-operative sector, initially there were only 42 members  and share amount of Rs. 1300 associated with the Society.

After huge efforts and a time period of 10 years, the total member list rose to 265 and the share capital rose to Rs. 7330. Gradually more members joined the organization. With a vision to grow further and provide more and better services to the people of Tarapur, the society got registered as a bank in the year 1958.

Since then, there has been no looking back for the bank. It has been rising on the path of progress and has been beneficial for and to the people of Tarapur.