Sr. No.   Particular   Charge Rs.
  1   Cheqebook Charge per one leaf   1.00
  2   Statement Charge   30.00
  3   Cheque Return Charge   100.00
  4   Cheque Stop Payment Charge   —
  5   Fixed Deposit Duplicate Receipt   —
  6   Balance Certificate of any account   —
  7   Duplicate NOC Charge / RTO / City Surveyor etc.   100.00
  8   Stock Statement Delay Charge if not submit within time limit   100.00


  • Remittance of bank note Rs.500.00 or 1000.00 will issue if available in bank.
  • All Service Charges are excluding with GST.
  • Customer are requested to behave politely with bank staff.
  • If any complaint customer are requested to inform about the same to the Board of Director.